Coaching for Organizations

Coaching for Teams

Struggling to get your teams collaborating effectively or align around a single vision? We identify what you need and design a program to meet your organization’s specific goals, at times with the help of diagnostic tools and assessments. Through workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions, we empower team members with the tools, skills, and mindset to navigate change, understand each other’s personal styles and motivations, communicate more effectively, and develop a shared approach for avoiding and solving conflicts that naturally arise in work environments. Together, your teams will learn how to drive deeper impact for themselves and the organization at large.

Teams coaching might include:

  • Align teams around a shared vision and steps toward realizing the vision
  • Administer DiSC assessments and facilitate workshops for teams to understand different communication styles and ways to communicate more effectively
  • Organizational transition workshops designed to identify different ways people respond to change and how to optimize each response style
  • Facilitate your pre-designed workshop or work with you to customize a workshop tailored to your goals and objectives

Coaching for Leaders

Looking for ways to support leaders in realizing their potential? Whether you’re optimizing the effectiveness of senior leaders or cultivating top talent into emerging leaders, we help high-potential individuals transform themselves, their teams, and the organization at large. We start by uncovering strengths as well as barriers, blind spots, and self-limiting beliefs that get in the way of achieving greater impact. Then we identify the need, from clarifying and executing a vision to communicating that vision with inspiration and conviction in the presence of key stakeholders.

Leadership Development coaching might include:

  • Help administer and interpret 360 feedback
  • Define and clarify vision for your business or team
  • Identify strengths and areas of opportunity for continued growth
  • Provide a sounding board for leaders as they contemplate new directions or work to resolve issues challenging their business

Coaching for Individuals

Executive Coaching

More than any other type of coaching, the term executive coaching can feel more obtuse than clarifying. We’ll cut to the chase: If you’re an ambitious person at an inflection point in your career, executive coaching could help immensely—from getting recognized by senior leadership to smoothing out a transition through a new promotion. No matter how high on the ladder you’ve climbed or how many years you’ve plugged away at your career, you can always level up. Whether you’ve already landed the role you want or you’re preparing to make a move, advancing in your career requires reconnecting with your purpose and developing a clear action plan. We’ll explore the range of possibilities through a unique set of filters designed by you and focus on empowering your authentic self. Together, we’ll identify what you need to get where you want to go.

Women's Empowerment Training

Overwhelmed balancing career ambitions with responsibilities at home? Finding it challenging navigating a male-dominated environment? Learn how to own your femininity to propel your career with strength and confidence. Together, we’ll articulate what a fulfilling career and personal life looks like for you and confront any self-limiting beliefs that prevent you from realizing your dreams. By giving yourself the opportunity to grow and explore what’s possible in every dimension of your life, you’ll find yourself better equipped to manage it all—maybe even gracefully.

Early Career and Career Transitioning Coaching

Looking for guidance to chart a path forward that puts you in charge of your future? Knowing how to navigate uncertainty is critical to creating—and maintaining—a sense of momentum. Whether you’re starting out in your career or making a change, we take an inventory of your strengths, assess gaps in your knowledge and experience, clarify your values, and design a path forward. No matter the end goal, we’ll always start with asking, “why.” As we explore a wide range of possibilities, we’ll take a holistic look at what brings you joy, purpose, and a sense of fulfillment. Ultimately, we’ll equip you with the tools and mindset to identify the opportunities you want to pursue. 

Early career and career transition coaching could include:

  • Clarifying your purpose and desired workplace cultures and values
  • Assistance in shaping and telling your story
  • Networking strategy and optimization
  • Interview preparation

If you’re looking for help with resumes or LinkedIn profiles, we’ll happily refer you to great resources.

Coaching for Entreprenuers

Need help bringing your big idea to fruition or building and leading a team? It all starts with your purpose and vision. We’ll clarify your goals and objectives and then map out a plan for communicating that vision to your team as you bring them along on the journey. We’ll approach every angle of business development, from tactical to organizational to high-level strategy. Depending on the size of your organization and your specific needs, we’ll work with you and key members of your team to define what’s most important and develop the foundation for an organizational culture that will attract, motivate, and inspire employees to bring your organization’s purpose to life every day.


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